You can also filter the trace record display using the following parameters:
1. SQL trace: Table name that the SQL statement refers to
2. Enqueue trace: Lock object that the statement refers to
3. RFC trace: Instance on which a function is executed
4. Table buffer trace: Name of the table that the access is limited too
5. SQL trace: Database operations
6. Enqueue trace: Operation for the lock object
7. RFC trace: Characteristics of the execution (client/server)
8. Table buffer trace: Name of the buffer operation
The default filters are:
1. For User, the current user
2. For Objects, the display of the system tables is suppressed. Currently, these are the tables D010*, REPOLOAD, REPOSRC, REPOTEXT, DYNPSOURCE, DYNPLOAD, DYNPTXTLD, DDLOG.
The Duration and Operations parameters are not initialized
You can specify a numeric value for the Duration. This is measured in microseconds. For all other parameters, you can enter a pattern or name. In addition to alphanumeric characters, you can also use the wildcard characters �*� and '+� in patterns.
You can also change the operator in a specification for further filtering. To do this, position the cursor on the relevant parameter and choose Selection Options. A dialog box then appears in which you can specify whether trace records satisfying the condition should be included (green traffic light) or excluded (red traffic light) from the selection.
For the duration, restricting to an interval of 1000 to 5000 seconds may be of use.
Displaying Lists of Trace Records
You have chosen the Display Trace function and specified the value range for the display in the Display Filter, where you have also displayed the trace liste, detailed list, or time-sorted list.
The detailed list contains the complete trace list. The detailed list merely contains three additional columns for the display.
In the time-sorted list, you can display information about the transaction, process type, client, and user by choosing Display -> User, Transaktion, and so on, in the Goto menu.
There is a range of analysis functions that you can use both on the trace list and on the detailed list. All lists have the same functions. You can switch between the trace and detailed lists via a button.
The first line of the list contains a subheader, which remains unchanged for all trace records of a program to be analyzed. It contains the following information:
- Name of the transaction, process identification number, process type, client, and user name.
The next line contains the following headers:
Duration Execution time of the statement. The time is displayed in the format milliseconds.microseconds.
Object name
1. SQL trace record: Name of the database table
2. Enqueue trace record: Name of the lock object
3. RFC trace record: Shortened name of the instance on which the function module was executed
4. Buffer trace record: Name of the buffered table
5. SQL trace record: Name of the operation to be performed on the database. See also: Measured Database Operations
6. Enqueue trace record: Name of the lock operation
� RFC trace record: Client | Server. (If a function is specified as the Client, this means that it wass called �remotely�. If it is specified as the Server, this means that the function was made available and executed.)
� Buffer trace record: Buffer operation
Rec Number of records
7. SQL Trace: Number of records retrieved or processed and passed between the SAP System and the database.
8. Enqueue trace: Number of granules
9. RFC Trace: Not used
10. Buffer trace: Number of processed records
RC - Return code of the logged statement
Statement - Short form of the logged statement
11. Depends on the trace type
The runtime (duration) is highlighted in the list if it exceeds a given threshold value (100000 microseconds). This is declared in the type group �SQLT� as the constant �SQLT_DURATION_NEG�. You can change this value by changing the constant accordingly.
Note that the duration can only be as precise as clock of your hardware platform. The duration cannot be less than the time required by the hardware. If the execution time of the statement is less than this time, the duration will be zero.
Detailed List
To switch from the basic list to the extended list, choose Detailed List. The extended list contains three extra display columns: - The time at which the record was executed (in the form hours: minutes: seconds: milliseconds).
Program - Name of the program that executed the logged statement.
12. SQL trace record: Number of the cursor (link to cursor cache) used to find the database entries.
13. Enqueue and RFC trace records: Not used.
Additional Functions
Analyzing Trace Records
Sort list
Display formatted logged statements
Definition of the corresponding ABAP Dictionary object for SQL and Enqueue trace
Display the logged statement in the source code
Display the access plan for a logged SQL statement
Format identical select statements in the trace list
Summarizing the Trace List
Switch between the two lists
For more information, refer to Analyzing Trace Records
Different Trace Types
The system displays different trace types in different colors.
Standard Functions
A range of standard SAP list functions is also available to help you print the list, navigate and search in the list, or save the list to an operating system file. These functions can be called via the corresponding menu entries, buttons, or function keys.