Before executing customizing task you desire, point it
and go to Edit-Display IMG Activity. Then mark activity.
Go to T.Code se16 and type in CUS_IMGACH table.
Paste IMG Activity and run.
You will see Tcode that belongs to IMG Activity.
The most frequently used transaction codes are as
1. VS00 - Master data
2. VC00 - Sales Support
3. VA00 - Sales
4. VL00 - Shipping
5. VT00 - Transportation
6. VF00 - Billing
Others as follows: At Configuration:
1. VOV8 - Define Sales documents type (header)
2. OVAZ - Assigning Sales area to sales documents type
3. OVAU - Order reasons
4. VOV4 - Assign Item categoreies(Item cat determination)
5. VOV6 - Scedule line categories
6. OVAL - To assign blocks to relevant sales documents
7. OVLK - Define delivery types
8. V/06 - Pricing
9. V/08 - Maintain pricing procedure
10.OVKP - Pricing proc determination
11.V/07 - Access sequence
1. Customer Master Creation-VD01 and XD01 (for full inclu
company code)
VD02 - Change Customer
VD03 - Display Customer
VD04 - Customer Account Changes
VD06 - Flag for Deletion Customer
XD01 - Create Customer
XD02 - Modify Customer
XD03 - Display Customer
2. Create Other material ----MM00
3. VB11- To create material determination condition record
4. CO09- Material availability Overview
5. VL01 - Create outbound delivery with ref sales order
6. VL04 - Collective processing of delivery
7. VA11 - Create Inquiry
VA12 - Change Inquiry
VA13 - Display Inquiry
Sales & Distribution Sales order / Quote / Sched Agreement / Contract
� VA01 - Create Order
� VA02 - Change Order
� VA03 - Display Order
� VA02 - Sales order change
� VA05 - List of sales orders
� VA32 - Scheduling agreement change
� VA42 - Contract change
� VA21 - Create Quotation
� VA22 - Change Quotation
� VA23 - Display Quotation
� VF02 - Change billing document
� VF11 - Cancel Billing document
� VF04 - Billing due list
� FBL5N - Display Customer invoices by line
� FBL1N - Display Vendor invoices by line
� VL02N - Change delivery document
� VL04 - Delivery due list
� VKM5 - List of deliveries
� VL06G - List of outbound deliveries for goods issue
� VL06P - List of outbound deliveries for picking
� VL09 - Cancel goods issue
� VT02N - Change shipment
� VT70 - Output for shipments