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Subject: QM view in material master
Help please,
For some material in QM view of material master I don't have the field QM
control key for
some I have this field.
How I can activate the view of this field?
Thanks in advance
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Subject: RE: QM view in material master
are you taliking about QM procurement key? If so you can maintain by
transaction QI05.
This is for mass maintanance of QM procurement key in the material master.
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Subject: RE: QM view in material master
The problem is that I can't see the field of control key in procurement in
the QM view.
For some material I've only the field QM proc. active and Tech. delivery terms
but I don't see
QM control key, Certificate type, Target QM system even if I create with QI05 a
control key.
How I can see these fields?
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Subject: RE: QM view in material master
Select an organization level for the material. For QM view organization level
plant should be
selected. The field you have mentioned are plant specific.
Hope this will solve ur problem.
Still ur not getting then check the field selection group 99 for ur material
code OMS9 )
------Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: QM view in material master
You can customize the material master views for the combination of Material
Type and
Plant. In this you can specify which fields are to be shown and what are to be
hidden .
You go thro the IMG and see if that is the reason for your QM control key not
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Subject: RE: QM view in material master
The point is that you have to create the QM view for the material-plant.
Try Tx MM01.
If the material is marked to be QM-active but the view is not created, you have
some kind
of standard view for the QM-view (with MM02) but without specific data for that
plant (the
sympton is that the key is not shown !!)
Try this and let me know
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Subject: RE: QM view in material master