To activate your SAP Quality Management view in Material Master, goto
transaction OMS2 and activate those material
type that will have the Quality Management view.
For inspections during production with inspection point processing, you
maintain the following data in the Quality management view of the material
master (Inspection set-up):
Inspection type
You can use the following inspection types for inspections during production
with inspection point processing:
Inspection during production
Inspection for run schedule headers
Indicator for the inspection type :-
You must set the following indicators for the inspection type:
Insp. with task list
Insp. by charac.
If you set this indicator, you do not necessarily have to plan
inspection characteristics in the task list. For example, you can also
create unplanned characteristics directly in results recording.
These characteristics are maintained in the order.
If you want to carry out an inspection during production on the basis
of a task list and material specification, you must also set the
indicator Inspect with mat. spec.