----Original Message-----
Subject: PM (Service Management) Geographical Work Centres
From: Mike Kennedy
Hi all,
My question relates to the creation of tasklists for a common planning plant
(across the entire organization). These general tasklists also need to be common
to the entire organization, however it would be desirable to have different Main
Work Centers representing different geographical regions for the purposes of
capacity analysis. Here lies the problem;
The task lists must have a work center assigned to each operation.
If a common work center is used in the task lists this defaults into the
operation overview for the Scheduled orders when in fact it is desirable for
this work center to be the same as the Main Work Center of the technical object
that the work is being performed on ( which corresponds to it's geogrpahical
location ).
We do not want to have to change the work centres on the order manually but
alas, we require the work centre to represent the geographical region so that
the impact of the order can be analysed in the capacity evaluation.
Any Suggestions?
Thanks in advance,
Mike K
-----Reply Message-----
Subject: Re: (Service Management) Geographical Work Centres
From: Barry Dickau
Could you not group your tasklists by geographical locations which would mean
duplicating the same tasklists but then each would have their own specific
workcenters by location. Or create them as equipment or FL tasklists? I'm
assuming your Plant structure is based on centralized planning, 1 Planning Plant
to many Maint Plants?
-----Reply Message-----
Subject: Re: PM (Service Management) Geographical Work Centres
From: Siminski, Tom TM
You may create General Task Lists to be used as reference and then create
object related (functional location and/or equipment) task lists by copying the
general list and changing work centre to "geographically correct" one.
Additional advantage may be that object specific task lists are easier to use
when creating a work order. Extras -> Task list -> Object related, will give you
list of all task lists for the object and only those.