Ticket 1: While doing goods receipt for order, the following
error occurs, it says POSTING ONLY POSSIBLE BETWEEN 11/2002 AND 10/2002
Movement type.101 Order: 60002765 Plant:1000 Storage Location:0002
Ticket 2: I am trying to do GR after creating PO. It is showing
an error messg "posting only possible during 11/2002 and 10/2002". I went into
open and close posting peiords in FI (IMG) and tried opening new periods but it
is still not allowing me to proceed further and is showing the same messg.
Go to T.Code MMPV :
1. Enter your company code.
2. Fiscal year of the current period (in your case 2002).
3. Put the period as 12.
4. Check the radio button for check and close period.
5. Execute.
6. The system does say it is not current calender year.
(do not worry about this).
7. Hit Esc and
8. Now change the Fiscal year to 2003 and
9. Period to 1
10. Execute
Continue these steps until you reach your period and
fiscal year.
Ticket 3: I am facing a problem with fiscal year. When I am trying to close the periods
with MMPV, it is saying that 'specify a present calender'. It is not allowing
me to receipt GR and post the invoice. And also when I am trying to change the
next period through navigation (SPRO/Logostics general/Material master/Maintain
company codes for matl management) it is saying that this company code can no
longer be initiated. Our SAP was installed recently.
To maintain fiscal year
SPRO - Logistics General - Mat Master - Basic Settings - Maintain Company
Codes for Material Management - Execute - Select Company Code and Define the
Fiscal Year
Year = 2006
P(month) = current month
F/yr = 2006
M = Previous Month
ABP = Allow Back Posting , DBP = Disallow back posting