DYNP_VALUES_UPDATE | Similar to DYNP_VALUES_READ, this function will allow the updating of fields on a dynpro. Very useful when you want to change a field based on the value entered for another
field. |
ENQUE_SLEEP | Wait a specified period of time before continuing processing. |
ENQUEUE_ESFUNCTION | Lock an abap program so that it cannot be executed. |
Set the parameters as follows:
SRTF2 = 0
SRTF = (your report name)
Please note that you should not use SY-REPID to pass your report name to the function. The value of SY-REPID will change as it is being passed to the function module, and will no
longer hold the value of the calling report.
EPS_GET_DIRECTORY_LISTING | return a list of filenames from a local or network drive |
EPS_GET_FILE_ATTRIBUTES | Pass in a filename and a path, and will return attributes for the file |
F4_DATE | displays a calendar in a popup window and allows user to choose a date, or it can be displayed read only. |
F4_IF_FIELD_VALUE_REQUEST | Use values from a DDIC table to provide a list of possible values. TABNAME and FIELDNAME are required fields, and when MULTIPLE_CHOICE is selected, more than one value can be
returned. |
F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST | F4 help that returns the values selected in an internal table. Very handy when programming your very own F4 help for a field.
begin of t_values occurs 2,
value like kna1-begru,
end of t_values,
t_return like ddshretval occurs 0 with header line.
t_values = 'PAR*'.
append t_values.
t_values = 'UGG'.
append t_values.
retfield = 'BEGRU'
value_org = 'S'
value_tab = t_values
return_tab = t_return
parameter_error = 1
no_values_found = 2
others = 3.
if sy-subrc = 0.
read table t_return index 1.
o_begru-low = t_return-fieldval.
if o_begru-low = 'PAR*'.
o_begru-option = 'CP'.
o_begru-option = 'EQ'.
o_begru-sign = 'I'.
append o_begru to s_begru.
o_begru = i_begru.