Production order confirmation with future date is
not allowed
Future dates can be configured in the confirmation configuration.
In configuration OPK4, define
confirmation parameters.
When this configuration comes up, in the "Checks"
Sections, the last parameter says
"Date in the future."
Check this box if you want your dates in the future.
It determines whether dates in the future can be used in a confirmation.
If the indicator is not set, you cannot make any confirmations using dates in
the future.
If you try to do so, the system will issues an error message.
What is the importance of Production Order confirmation? Is there any
specification to use type of confirmation ie., CO11 or CO15 or CO11N ?
A confirmation documents the processing status of orders, operations,
suboperations and individual capacities.
You can enter a confirmation
- For an Opeartion (co11/co11n)
You have the following options:
- To confirm quantities, durations, activities or personnel data.
- To make a confirmation at a particular point in time (for example, at the
start of setup or the finish of processing) enter a
- When you confirm time events, the system calculates the required duration. For
example, the setup duration is the time between setup start and setup finish.
- For an Order : CO15
If you enter a confirmation at order header level, the system confirms all the
operations that have a control key in which
confirmation is optional or necessary. The quantitiesconfirmed in the operations
are proportional to the quantities confirmed in the order header.