SAP FI Question: Why do we use special purpose ledger? What are the configurations we need to make?
We are using the Special Purpose Ledger for statutory reporting or mangement
reporting purpose. It also help us in doing single entry, adjstment posting
like income tax deperication.
Steps for cofig.
- Define Table Group
Financial Accounting -> Special Purpose Ledger -> Basic Settings -> Tables ->
Definition -> Define Table Group
- Maintain Field Movement
IMG Menu Path :
Financial Accounting -> Special Purpose Ledger -> Basic Settings -> Master Data
-> Maintain Field Movements
- Maintain Ledger for statutory ledger
IMG Menu Path :
Financial Accounting -> Special Purpose Ledger -> Basic Settings -> Master Data
-> Maintain Ledgers -> Copy Ledger
Assign Co Code
Assign Activities
- Set Up Exchange Rate Type
IMG Menu Path :
Financial Accounting -> Special Purpose Ledger � Periodic Processing -> Currency
Translation -> Set Up Exchange Rate Type
- Create Number ranges
IMG Menu Path :
Financial Accounting -> Special Purpose Ledger -> Actual Posting -> Number
Ranges -> Maintain Local Number Ranges
- Create Currency Translation document type
IMG Menu Path :
Financial Accounting -> Special Purpose Ledger -> Actual Posting -> Maintain
Valid Document Type
- Create Posting period variant
IMG Menu Path :
Financial Accounting -> Special Purpose Ledger -> Actual Posting -> Posting
Period -> Maintain Local Posting Period