The client wants fiscal year to be set from May 1 � April 30 but they use
a 4,4,5 accounting period setup meaning that every month end on the last Friday
of the month. I am setting for 2006-2007. As you know, the FYV should be year
dependent, so how can the periods be set up.
In IMG go to financial accounting global setting then go to fiscal year
variant and set the fiscal year variant on year dependent year and follow the
following procedure:
1. enter name of month started from may and end on april
2. enter the number of days in a month you want to close for example in may
number of days is 28 instead of 31
3. enter period from 01 to 12 started from may to april
4. enter -1 against the month from jan to april
For Example :
Month Number of Days Period Year Shift
May06 28 01 0
June 35 02 0
July 28 03 0
Aug 28 04 0
Sep 35 05 0
Oct 28 06 0
Nov 28 07 0
Dec 35 08 0
Jan07 28 09 -1
Feb 28 10 -1
Mar 35 11 -1
Apr 31 12 -1