Please explain what is meant by general ledger at company code level and
chart of accounts level?
General Ledger has two segments i.e.,
1. Chart of Accounts Data (T.Code= FSPO)and
2. Company Code Data (T.Code =FSSO)
GL account master records are divided into two areas to that company code
with the same chart of account can use the same GL account. The chart of account
area contains the data valid for all company codes, such as Account Number.
The Company code specific area contains data that may vary from one company
code to another, such as the currency in which the account may be posted.
Lets, suppose there are not segment both the segments are combined, at that
time it will become difficult to copy the Company Code data because the fields
may vary in company code. for example Currency, though you have same Chart of
Account Data.
Because, GL Accounts has two segments, it will be easy to copy Chart of
Accounts data from A company code which matches your requirement and Company
Code data of B Company code and you can create a separate chart of account in C
company code.
To copy Chart of account data and Company code data seperately, see
Alternative method of creating GL Master in IMG screen.