If you have several company codes and want your users only to be able to open
and close periods
(transaction OB52) belonging to their posting period variant (=company code).
First you configure the Posting Variant :-
1) FI- FI Global Settings - Document - Posting Periods - Define Variants for
Posting Periods
2) FI- FI Global Settings - Document - Posting Periods - Assign Variants to
Company Code
Second Step:-
Goto SE11 copy the view V_T001B to ZV_T001B_000X (000X indicate the Posting
In Change mode, tabstrips Selection Conditions Insert line 2 with
Table Field Name Operator Comparative
Value AND/OR
Save your entries
Third Step :-
Goto SE54, Options Generated Objects -> Create
Authorizations Group FC31
Function Group Z00F0
Maintenance Type One Type
Overview Screen 65
Single Screen 0
Final Step :-
Goto SE93, Create a new transaction code ZOB52_000X
Start object - Transaction with parameters (parameter transaction)