Are there any monitoring tools for SAPDB?
The Database Manager, an SAPDB tool, offers
monitoring features for administration purposes. There is also a
new special monitoring tool, Database Analyzer, delivered with
SAPDB Version 7.4 upwards. The Database Analyzer has default
configurations for standard use but can also be used by
experienced administrators to make more sophisticated analyses.
What about scalability?
SAPDB provides state-of-the-art performance
and scales well on multi-processor architectures.
Where can I find up-to-date documentation?
You can find all SAPDB documentation in
English under Documentation. You can read the
documentation online or download it. For a basic overview of the
database system architecture, user and security concepts and the
available database tools, please consult the documentation The
Database System SAPDB.
If you are looking for documentation describing features that
are specific to SAP applications such as the Computing Center
Management System (CCMS) for database administration.
Does SAP offer courses on SAPDB administration?
SAP offers two courses on SAPDB
administration, the basic course BC515 (will be renamed ADM515)
and workshop WB550 that goes into more technical details.
Where and how can I obtain SAPDB support?
The SAPDB support models for SAP
applications and non-SAP applications are different.
SAP applications: If you use SAPDB in combination with an SAP
application, you are entitled to SAP support through your
maintenance contract with SAP.
Non-SAP applications: For non-SAP applications, customers have
the option of purchasing services and support from SAP (Premium
Support) or other organizations. Open source users can also ask
for support via the SAPDB Open Source mailing list,which is
free of charge.
What does Premium Support mean?
A Premium Support Contract gives SAPDB users
running non-SAP applications access to the SAP service
infrastructure for problem reporting and solving, including
performance problems. The customer is reQuested to set up a
Customer Competence Center (CCC) with a limited number of
contact persons. The support fee is 60,000 euros per year per
CCC. If you already have an SAPDB maintenance contract for an
SAP solution, this fee is reduced.
How does the SAPDB Open Source model work?
With SAPDB, SAP provides a professional
product that can be downloaded and used as free software for
non-SAP applications by anyone. Binaries, source code, tools and
programming interfaces are published under the GNU LGPL/GPL
(Lesser General Public License/General Public License) ,
together with information and documentation.
Does SAP DB offer High Availability/Hot Standby Server solutions?
SAPDB supports a couple of standby
solutions. Which one you choose depends on your reQuirements.
- SAPDB supports Snapshot and Split Mirror TechniQues
(see SAP Note 371247)
- SAPDB supports Cluster solutions, which are implemented
by the hardware suppliers. The Microsoft Cluster Server is
directly supported by SAPDB (see SAP Notes 319835 and
- You can build a shadow database with SAPDB versions
7.2.05 upwards. In addition, the Libelle company offers a
tool called DBShadow, which will soon be available for
- The support of a Hot Standby Configuration with
logshipping via a storage system is planned for version
7.4.4, which is scheduled for the first or second Quarter of
For documentation on standby solutions see the documentation The
Database System SAPDB.
Migration from Other Databases to SAP DB
I want to move my SAP system to SAPDB. Will this pose any problems?
No, your system will run as smoothly on
SAPDB as it does on your current database. You can migrate your
system by performing a heterogeneous system copy (that is,
exporting the database with the R3Load program, re-installing
the SAP system and then re-importing the database). All
conversions and adjustments of data are covered by the R3Load
Of course, any migration to another database will lead to some
additional customizing on secondary keys, etc.
What do I have to do to move my productive environment to SAPDB?
SAP offers a service called OS/DB Migration
Check containing, among other things, a migration test, Early
Watch sessions, and consulting. The customer checks in a test
environment whether the migration results fulfill his
expectations in terms of performance and duration, and carries
out operative tests with an avarage amount of users. This
service is mandatory to get post-migration support. SAP
customers can find additional information in SAPNet, alias
I am currently running a very large database system. What will happen
when I migrate to SAPDB?
Over the past few years, we have been
investing constantly in the development of automatic space
management. This means that your SAPDB will actually need up to
40 percent less space than, for example, an Oracle or Informix
database. This in turn means less cost and better performance.
Will SAPDB offer the same features as my current database system?
SAPDB conforms to standards in every respect
and provides all the interfaces that you would expect of an open
database system. SAPDB meets official ISO/ansI SQL92Standards
(entry Level plus extensions), so that SQL programs created for
other database systems can be easily ported to SAPDB, and is
compatible with Oracle7. The ODBC driver allows you to use
Microsoft Windows-based office tools or reporting tools. Using
the JDBC driver, you can easily connect SAPDB as a database
engine to Java-based application servers. There is a precompiler
for C/C++. Interfaces are available for the script languages
Perl, Python and PHP.
Does SAPDB run with the SAP Business Information Warehouse (BW)?
We know from experience with 46
installations, 7 of which are productive systems, that small and
medium-sized BW installations run smoothly on SAPDB.
Version 8.0, which will be released in the third Quarter of
2003, will also feature architectural improvements especially
for BWoperation.
What will be the cost and time effort of migrating my current database to
If you take into account all preparations,
migration checks, setting up the new environment and testing,
the process generally reQuires two weeks, but the migration
itself (that is, system downtime) only takes one or two days.
Always bear in mind the benefit of switching to a database
system that offers the same performance at significantly lower
costs, is free of reorganisation tasks and reQuires an
outstandingly easy administration.
Are there any plans to make switching from a different database to SAPDB
We are thinking about offering a tighter
bracket of processes, but all in all it will remain a
heterogeneous migration.
Are there any SAP products that reQuire SAPDB?
SAPAPO (SAPAdvanced Planner and Optimizer)
is shipped with SAPliveCache, a special, object-oriented
version of SAPDB.
SAPDB has become an important element of the SAPtechnology
stack and will be used as the default database in more and more