SAP Business Connector provides
the users with Web Transaction Facility, which is a data, recall facility on the
SAP systems. This facility enables the users to select the required RFCs and
BAPIs and create the SAP XML document that is required for selected functions
during the preparation stage. These services are included in the interface
service of the Web Transaction Package of SAP BC and comprise the following
service functions.
- Search Function
- Create Template
- Invoke RFC
Creating, searching and invoking RFC
The Search function searches the SAP systems for available
RFCs and BAPIs. The input parameters for this function are:
- sapServerName � Symbolic name for the SAP server
- functionName � Name of the RFC or BAPI sought.
The return of this function is in XML document of the type
that is defined for Web Transaction communication. It is a list of RFC�s or
BAPI�s with some descriptive data including the RFCs found, associated group,
application, host and brief description.
The Create Template returns either the SAP XML document for
the call (XML element) call or the return value of the call (XML element value)
for a given RFC or BAPI. The Input parameters for a Create Template are:
- sapServerName � Symbolic name of the SAP server
- functionName � Name of the RFC or BAPI
- call � Call or Return Document. (true/false)
Invoke RFC function as the name suggests performs the
function of invoking specified RFC/ BAPI. It invokes the call by using an XML
document with a MIME type application. And the result is returned in the form of
a SAP XML document. The input parameters in this case are:
- sapServerName � Symbolic name of the SAP server