What are the step to do physical inventory process?� I want to make zero
stock and then upload the actual stock?
First you can use the trn. MI01 there put all the material save, then use
T-Code MI04 there you have to enter the count the if you want put 0, put it and
make the tick then save then use MI22 post the difference.
About Physical� inventory process you have another way :� 1. Use t-code
MI31 instead of using MI01 , it will give you a document number of all your
stock. 2. If you did not get the document number use t-code MI24 . 3.
MI21 to print� the document. 4. MI04 to enter the count if you want put 0.
5. MI07 post.
Create PI document using MI01 (MI31 -Using Batch) Enter Count Using MI04
(Select Zero Stock Indicator) Post Count results using MI07 Check
Results using MI24 Upload initial Stock using MB1C 561
Integration of FICO with Other
What are the steps for integration of FICO with other modules SD, MM etc.
Some basic information :
FI-MM: The integration between FI-MM happens in T-code OBYC.� ���
� 1. When PO is created : �������� ������ ---- No Entry -----
��� � 2. When GR is posted� ������ ����� Inventory Account dr
(Transaction Key BSX in OBYC) ����������� To GRIR account (T.Key WRX in
T-code OBYC) ��� � 3. When Invoice is posted ��� ����� GRIR
account Dr. ����� Vendor account� Cr. ��� � 4. Payment made to
Vendor ����� ����� Vendor A/c Dr ����������� To Bank Clearing A/c
Cr. ��� Points to know : Movement Types, Assignment of Movement types to
T-keys (T-code OMJJ), Value string (I also need some information on this) , OMWN
and OMWB transactions.� ��� FI-SD Integration: The integration is
done in T-code VKOA ��� � 1. Sales Order Created� ���
������� ---No Entry--- ��� � 2. PGI done (Goods issue) �����
����� Cost of Goods Sold���� Dr (Configured in OBYC GBB T-Key)
���������� To Inventory Account ��� � 3. Billing document released
to Accounting ��� ������� Customer Account Dr. ������������� To
Sales Revenue Account (ERL T-key in Pricing procedure) ��� � Note : The
GL account is assigned to this ERL in VKOA ��� � 4. Payment Received
��� ������� Bank Clearing A/c Dr ���������������������� Customer A/c
Cr.� �������������� Points to Know : Good to understand the pricing
procedure and how the different transaction keys are used like ERL, ERS etc
SAPScript Important
Here are some useful programs for SAPSCRIPT development/search ...
RSTXFCAT� -� Program to find out SAP Scirpt names (Search Program)
RSTXCDM1 -� SAPscript: Sample Program for Form Printing
RSTXCNVR -�� Converting SAPscript standard text to RAW format (ASCII)
RSTXCPDF�� -� Routines for Converting OTF Format to PDF Format
RSTXDBUG�� - Activate/Deactivate Form Debugger
RSTXFCAT��� - Find Forms RSTXFCPY��� - Copy Forms Between Clients
RSTXFCOM� - Comparison of Two Forms
RSTXFCON�� - SAPscript: Conversion of Page Format for Forms
RSTXFINF���� - Comprehensive Information about a Specific Form
RSTXHTML�� - Conversion of SAPscript Texts (ITF) to HTML
RSTXICON��� - List of SAP icons and their names and SAP numbers <xxxxx>
RSTXSYMB�� - List of SAP symbols and their names as well as <xxxxx>
SAP number
RSTXR3TR���� - Transport Program For SAPscript Transport Objects
RSTXSCAT��� - Find Styles
RSTXSF01���� - TrueType font installation for SAPscript/SmartForms
RSTXTCAT��� - Find Standard Texts
Upgrade SAP or Installation of SAP R/3 and
What is ECC? Where to find the installation steps of ECC 5/6.0
with SQL as database and on windows platform with the steps including Solution
Manager installation?
ECC means Enterprise Central Component.
There are all the relevant installation guides. You NEED SAPNet access
because without a registered and licensed SolMan installation number you will
not be able to generate the SolMan key for the ECC installation.
Upgrade to 4.7
Have you gone through an upgrade to 4.7? What are the difference or changes associated with 4.7. If you are currently on 4.6C and are inching forward to upgrading to 4.7 then
this information might be useful to you.
There is very little difference between 4.6 and 4.7, the only
"steps" you should need are steps in SU25 ( skip step 1) Then go
through all your role and perform a merge old new to bring in the new
authorization objects
Just to forewarn you of a potential problem which have been encounter at the
point of writing.
After updating/ modifying roles in step 2C, when going back into 2C to make
sure all roles are now green, 70% have gone back to red!
The maintenance done is ok, but there seems to be a problem while trying to
go back into the roles again to re-generate.
SAP recognizes them as needing "adjustment", so you cannot pick
them up in mass generate in PFCG as they do not come in, even though the
authorizations tab is red.
This problem is currently with SAP and it is confirmed that nothing have been
done wrongly.
Generally, the work is quite manageable in the upgrade, but don't be
surprised at how big the upgrade is when compared to upgrading from 46b to 46c.
If we have full software of 46c and 47E is it possible to upgrade 46c to
47E or there is a seperate 47E upgrade software need to be requested from SAP?
Where I can get the document with upgrade steps on the service market
It is of course possible and supported:
--> SAP Components
--> SAP R/3 Enterprise
--> (choose your version)
at the bottom there is an "Upgrade guide" for Windows and Unix.
For Upgrades it is recommended to read ALL the notes mentioned in the
upgrade guide and to make sure one is using
- the correct version of the "tp" program
- the correct version of the "R3trans" program
- the correct version of the "R3up" program
All that is explained in the upgrade guide and in the corresponding notes.
If this is your first upgrade you should take a person, that has some
experience on doing that for the first time.
Installation of SAP R/3
Currently we are going to install SAP on a new IBM server from the
existing COMPAQ server. Where can I get the steps for that.
Configuration is : OS - windows 2003 server DB - Oracle 9i SAP 4.7
--> SAP Components
--> SAP R/3 Enterprise
--> SAP R/3 Enterprise Core 4.70 / Ext. Set 2.00 (SR1)
--> Inst. Guide - R/3 Enterprise 4.7 x 2.00 SR1 on Win: Oracle
The above url is the SAP Service Marketplace with all the information you
need to install, configure and run system. You need to be a valid licensed
customer with a user ID and PASSWORD to use that.
Without access you won't be able to successfully run any SAP systems because
it has notes, patches etc.
Difference between MRP vs
Explain the difference between MRP & MPS. Though both components gives
you the requirement list, what we gain out of MPS run rather than running MRP.
What is the main idea behind this?
The following might help in explaining the difference between MPS and its
counter part MRP.
Master Production Schedule (MPS) :� MPS operates within only one
level of the BOM, While MRP can be utilized throughout all�� levels of a
material�s BOM.� If a MPS is run on a material, the necessary orders are planned
at that level. Dependent requirements (if any) are placed on the next BOM level
down, and then the process stops.
Main Idea : Master production scheduling (MPS) is a form of MRP that
concentrates� planning on the parts or products that have the great influence on
company profits or which dominate the entire production process by taking
critical resources. These items are marked as �A� parts (MPS items) and are
planned with extra attention. These items are selected for a separate MPS run
that takes place before the MRP run.� The MPS run is conducted without a BOM
explosion so that the MRP controller can ensure that the Master schedule items
(MSI) are correctly planned before the detailed MRP run takes place.�
The master production schedule is a line on the master schedule grid that
reflects the anticipated build schedule for those items assigned to the master
scheduler. The master scheduler maintains this schedule, and in turn, it becomes
a set of planning numbers that drives material requirements planning. It
represents what the company plans to produce expressed in specific
configurations, quantities, and dates. The master production schedule is not a
sales item forecast that represents a statement of demand. The master production
schedule must take into account the forecast, the production plan, and other
important considerations such as backlog, availability of material, availability
of capacity, and management policies and goals. Syn: master schedule.�
Material Requirements Planning (MRP) :� A set of techniques that
uses bill of material data, inventory data, and the master production schedule
to calculate requirements for materials. It makes recommendations to release
replenishment orders for material. Further, because it is time-phased, it makes
recommendations to reschedule open orders when due dates and need dates are not
in phase. Time-phased MRP begins with the items listed on the MPS and
(1) the quantity of all components and materials required to fabricate those
items and�
(2) the date that the components and material are required. Time-phased MRP
is accomplished by exploding the bill of material, adjusting for inventory
quantities on hand or on order, and offsetting the net requirements by the
appropriate lead times.�
Is There an Automatic Program for
By : Sydnie McConnell
The client I am working with has an outdated training client.� The current
posting period right now is November 2004. I have two questions:
�1. Does anyone know of a shortcut to get the current posting period�
updated versus opening each month from Nov. '04 until today.
�2. Is there an automatic program that can be set up to change to current
period without having to go in manually every month to initiate MMPV.
In IMG, you can go to Logistics - General => Material Master => Basic
Settings => Maintain Company Codes for Materials Management.� You can then
enter the periods that you need to have open.
As far as running something monthly, if you are working only in one general
region of the world, you can run program RMMMPERI from SE38 at 00:01:00 on day 1
of each period.� You'll need to create a selection variant with a variable to
tell it which period to use.
We run into problems with MMPV/RMMMPERI, and have to actually manually
schedule it each month.� I run it three times - one to open the periods for our
Asian plants (at 09:00:00 my time, on the last day of my month), one to open
periods for our European plants (at 16:00:00 my time, on the last day of my
month), and one to open periods for our US plants (at 00:01:00 my time, on the
first day of my month).� I've not been able to schedule recurring jobs for the
Asian and European plants, because I can't figure out a way to set up a
recurrence for the last day of the month.� I can do it on day 1, or day 28, or
something specific like that, but since the last day of the month can fall on
day 28, 30, or 31, I'm not able to do that.
Interview Questions for SAP
What is private mode? When does user switch to user mode?
Private mode is a mode where the heap data is getting exclusively allocated
by the user and is no more shared across the system. This happens when your
extended memory is exhausted. �� What is osp$ mean? What if user is
given with this authorisation?
OPS$ is the mechanism the <SID>adm users uses to connect to the
database .
Why do you use DDIC user� not SAP* for Support Packs and SPam?
Do _NOT_ use neither DDIC nor SAP* for applying support packages. Copy DDIC
to a separate user and use that user to apply them.
Can you kill a Job?
Yes - SM37 - select - kill
If you have a long running Job,� how do you analyse?
Use transaction SE30.
How to uncar car/sar files in a single shot?
on Unix:� $ for i in *.SAR; do SAPCAR -xvf $i; done
When we should use Transactional RFC ?
A "transactional RFC" means, that either both parties agree that the data was
correctly transfered - or not. There is no "half data transfer".
What is the use of Trusted system. I know that there is no need of UID and
PWD to communicate with partner system. In what situation it is good to go for
Trusted system ?
E. g. if you have an R/3 system and a BW system and don't want to maintain
passwords. Same goes for CRM and a lot of other systems/applications.
Let me know if my understanding below is correct: 1) By default
the RFC destination is synchronous 2) Asynchronous RFC is used incase
if the system initiated the RFC call no need to wait for the response before it
proceeds to something else.
Yes - that's right.
But keep in mind, that it's not only a technical issue whether to switch to
asynchronous. The application must also be able to handle that correctly.
Which table contains the details related to Q defined in SPAM? Is there a
way to revert back the Q defined? If yes, How?
There is a "delete" button when you define the queue. If you already started
the import it's no more possible since the system will become inconsistent.
What is a developer key? and how to generate a developer key?
The developer key is a combination of you installation number, your license
key (that you get from http://service.sap.com/licensekey) and the user name. You
need this for each person that will make changes (Dictionary or programs) in the
What is XI3.0 ? EXPLAIN XI = Exchange Infrastructure - Part of Netweaver
SAP Exchange Infrastructure (SAP XI) is SAP's enterprise application
integration (EAI) software, a component of the NetWeaver product group used to
facilitate the exchange of information among a company's internal software and
systems and those of external parties. Like other NetWeaver components, SAP XI
is compatible with software products of other companies.�
SAP calls XI an integration broker because it mediates between entities with
varying requirements in terms of connectivity, format, and protocols. According
to SAP, XI reduces integration costs by providing a common repository for
interfaces. The central component of SAP XI is the SAP Integration Server, which
facilitates interaction between diverse operating systems and applications
across internal and external networked computer systems.�
How to see when were the optimizer stats last time run? We are using
win2k, oracle 9, sapr346c.
Assumed DB=Oracle ��� Select any table lets take MARA here but you
should do the same for MSEG and few others to see whether the dates match or
not.Run the following command on the command prompt:- ��� � select
last_analyzed from dba_tables where table_name like '%MARA%'; ���
Role of SAP Consultant In
�1. What is the role of SD Consultant in Testing while implementing the
project? �2. What is Unit testing and Integration Testing?
Unit testing is refer to the module which are going to implement. SD, MM,
FICO etc. there will be test script based on that testing will be performed.�
Integration testing will be cross the modules. MM-SD-FICO for example.�
Integration testing is also called SIT ( System integration testing)
� Testing mathologies and types: there are 6 types of testings: � 1. Unit
Testing � 2. System Testing � 3. System Integration security Testing
� 4. Performance Testing � 5. User Acceptance testing � 6.
Regression Testing
Unit testing is done in bit and pieces. Like e.g. in SD standard order cycle;
we do have 1-create order, then 2-delivery, then 3-transfer order, then 4-PGI
and then 5-Invoice.� So we will be testing 1,2,3,4 and 5 seperately alone one by
one using test cases and test data. We will not be looking and checking/testing
any integration between order and delivery; delivery and TO; TO and PGI and then
Whrereas System testing you will be testing the full cycle with it's
integration, and you will be testing using test cases which give a full cyclic
test from order to invoice.
Security testing you will be testing different roles and functionalities and
will check and signoff.
Performance testing is refered to as how much time / second will take to
perform some actions, like e.g. PGI.� If BPP defination says 5 seconds for PGI
then it should be 5 and not 6 second.� Usually it is done using software.
Regression testing is reffered to a test which verfies that some new
configuration doesnot adversly impact existing functionality.� This will be done
on each phase of testing.
User Acceptance Testing:� Refers to Customer testing. The UAT will be
performed through the execution of predefined business scenarios, which combine
various business processes. The user test model is comprised of a sub-set of
system integration test cases.
We use different software during testing. Most commonly use are
Test Director:� which is used to record requirement, preparing test plan and
then recording the progress.� We will be incorporating defects that are coming
during these testings using different test cases.
Mercury Load Runner:� is used for performance testing.� This is an automatic
How to make ALV header like
Header long text 1 Header long text 2 Header long text 3� Col_1 Col_2
Col_3 Col_4 Col_5 Col_6 Col_7 Col_8 Col_9� ----------------------- Cell
conents -------------------------------� ----------------------- Cell
conents -------------------------------� ----------------------- Cell
conents -------------------------------� ----------------------- Cell
conents -------------------------------� ----------------------- Cell
conents -------------------------------�
You could try:� data: gt_list_top_of_page type slis_t_listheader. " Top
of page text.�
Initialization.� perform comment_build using gt_list_top_of_page[].�
form top_of_page.� * Note to self: the gif must be loaded into
transaction OAOR with� * classname
'PICTURES' AND TYPE 'OT' to work with ALV GRID Functions.� * I Loaded
NOVALOGO2 into system.� �call function 'REUSE_ALV_COMMENTARY_WRITE'�
���� exporting� * I_LOGO = 'NOVALOGO2'� * i_logo = 'ENJOYSAP_LOGO'�
�������� it_list_commentary = gt_list_top_of_page.�
endform. " TOP_OF_PAGE�
form comment_build using e04_lt_top_of_page type slis_t_listheader.�
data: ls_line type slis_listheader.� ����� clear ls_line.� �����
ls_line-typ = 'A'.� ����� ls_line-info = 'Special'(001).� ����� fgrant =
xgrant.� ����� concatenate ls_line-info fgrant� ����� 'Stock Option
Report to the board'(002)� ������������ into ls_line-info separated by
space.� ������������������� condense ls_line-info.� ����� append ls_line
to e04_lt_top_of_page.�
endform. " COMMENT_BUILD
How to implement a footer in alv grid programming? What is the procedure
and the code regarding to create a footer?
������� ld_pagepos(10) type c, ������� ld_page(10)��� type c. � skip.
� write:/40 'Page:', sy-pagno .
SAP Administration Questions
What is R/3? and� what is basis version?
SAP Basis: - Provides the runtime environment for all SAP applications
- Optimally embeds the application in the system environment - Defines a
stable architecture framework for system enhancements - Contains the tools
for administering the entire system - Allows the distribution of resources
and system components - Provides interfaces for decentralized system parts
and external products.
An R/3 instance is a group of R/3 services that are started and stopped as a
unit (by an R/3 dispatcher) and have a common instance profile. The name of an
R/3 instance is composed of letters standing for the relevant services, and an
instance number which is unique for each computer. The services may be D, V, E,
B, M, G, or S, which respectively stand for dialogue, update, enqueue,
background, message, gateway, and spool services.�
Tips by : Suresh Babu
I would like to know the version or name of SAP that is implemented in
real time?
This is a very generic question and really depends on what you are
implementing (modules).
All of those have increased business functionality and interfaces to other
systems (CRM, BW etc.)
What is mysap?
It's a term for all the systems that in a contract (e. g. a MySAP business
suite consist of ERP2005, CRM2005, SRM2005).
What is the systems configuration required to implement SAP.. i.e for
production,development and QAS servers the hard disk space, RAM, Processor
This also depends on what your are implementing, how many users will work on
the system, how many records in what area are created etc.
We need a BIG database system and an even bigger application server for ~ 900
users and 12 languages.
What is ASAP?
It's an old term for an implementation strategy. Blueprint -> prototype
-> goLive (if you want to say it in one sentence).
How should I set priority for Printing say like user, teamlead, project
There's nothing like "priority" settings for spool processes. Just define
more (profile parameter rdisp/wp_no_spool) processes so people don't need to
Using Tc SGEN I have generated 74% job and later I have terminated the
job.� I wish to start generating from where it stopped I have refreshed but to
no chance nothing was done.� How should I further proceed so as to complete the
remaining job..
Start SGEN again and select the same you have selected before. It will popup
and ask if you want to start from scratch or generate the just the remaining.
What is "Real Time"
What is "real time integration" advantage of SAP?
What is the Config for Integration entry? How these entries get formulated
in backend?
Real time integration is nothing but the data posting to all the affected
areas instantly when an activity is performed. For E.g. When you do a FI-SD
integration, when a PGI is posted, the following entry is affected :
�1.��� Cost of Goods Sold��� Dr�������� 100 ������� To Inventory Account
Cr����������������� 100
Here the Cost of Goods Sold is an FI entry and Inventory Account related to
MM but both of them gets affected immediately when you post a PGI in SD.
The updation of these entries when PGI is done is called Real Time
Integration. The affect is shown in all FI, MM and SD modules once you save the
The configuration for the below entry is done in OBYC
�1.�� Cost of Goods Sold��� Dr 100�� (T-Key GBB) ������ To Inventory
Account Cr 100�� (T-Key BSX)
The automatic entries are posted to inventory accounts through T-keys to
which GL accounts are assigned. These T-keys are assigned to movement types in
MM. Please refer to T-code OMWN and OMWB for proper understanding.�
Query About Tcode PFCG
1. How to check the name of all users who has been authorised to use a
particular transaction? I am trying to find through SUIM, but failing to find
the name or total number of users of a particular t-code say SPRO.
2.� I know that a particular transaction say SPRO is available in a
particular role and I want to remove that t-code from that role. But I am unable
to find that node through PFCG. If I am using the search for a t-code inside
menu tab after putting the edit mode it is not coming in PFCG, but through SUIM
its existence is coming in that role. That particular role contains a lot of
t-code and reports, say about 2000.
1. Goto SUIM and select USER node, then select USERS BY COMPLEX SELECTION
CRITERIA node then execute BY TRANSACTION AUTHORIZATION report then give the
Tran. code and it will return you the number of users having that trans with
relevatn details.�
Follows these steps :-
-� Go to SUIM . -� Choose Roles --> By Transaction assignment. -�
Enter Transaction : "SPRO" -� Choose execute. -� Double click on� a role
in which you want to remove "SPRO" authorisation. -� Click on pen mark to
change into change mode. -� Go to tab "Authorization" -� Choose change
authorization data. -� Choose Utilities --> Technical names on . -�
Choose --> cross application authorization objects--> - Expand the
selection for Object "s_tcode" , under the corresponding profile look the values
maintained for "TCD" and remove value "SPRO"� from the list to eliminate the
authorization. - Don't forget to regenerate profiles.
2. You should able to find this via menu tab otherwise try to do this in
authorization tab --> change authorization data by search.