Every asset transaction immediately causes a change of the forecasted
depreciation. However, it does not immediately cause an update of the
depreciation and value adjustment accounts for the balance sheet and profit and
loss statements. The planned depreciation is posted to the general ledger when
you run the periodic depreciation posting run. This posting run uses a batch
input session to post the planned depreciation for each posting level for each
individual asset as a lump sum amount.
The calculation and scheduling of depreciation, interest and revaluation are
automatically controlled by keys in the system, or you can control them manually
using a special posting transaction. In both cases, planned depreciation from
Asset Accounting must be periodically posted to the corresponding asset and
expense accounts of the general ledger. You carry out this posting using a batch
input session. In addition to the various depreciation types, interest and
revaluation, this batch input session also posts the allocation and writing off
of special reserves.
When the system posts depreciation, it creates collective documents. It does
not create separate documents for each asset.
Depreciation Posting Run is done via transaction code 'AFAB'.
The program creates batch input sessions for posting depreciation and
interest to the G/L accounts in Financial Accounting and/or to Controlling.
Fields Description :-
Company code : Your Company Code
Fiscal Year : Your fiscal year
Posting period : Your depreciation period
Reason for posting run (choose one)
Planned posting run : X (default)
List assets : (tick if you want to see the detail)
Test run : (tick if you run in test mode else untick for production run)
Main asset number : (you can specify certain asset number if you click repeat
run or test run)
Note :
Click the execute button if this is a test run.
Click the menu bar -> Program -> Execute in background if this is a production
You should get this message : Background job was scheduled for program RABUCH00 and
print out the output.
Release and Process the Batch Input Session in transaction code 'SM35'.
Process Session RABUCH00
X - Display errors only
Additional functions
X - Dynpro standard size
Click the Process button
If there is error, the system will pop up the error message.
Correct the error and recreate the session in transaction 'AFBD'.