Thus, the main difference between 4.6C and 4.7 is that 4.7
comes with new technologies, optional deployment of new features and more
flexibility is available for future upgrades. The basic architecture for SAP R/3
4.7 is given in the figure below.
Figure: New Architecture Model of SAP R/3
Enterprise versus SAP 4.6C
SAP 4.7 has all the features such as development workbench, transport
management system, monitoring, versioning and business object repository of
already existing SAP 4.6C.
- Web Application Server6.20 of 4.7 includes all the features of SAP Basis
of SAP 4.6C.
SAP 4.7 has a more structured approach as compared to SAP 4.6C from a
technical perspective. It is based on technology, which is
actually the Web Application Server 6.2C. This not only includes SAP Basis
Technologies with their latest advancements but also the new features of SAP
Web AS 6.20.
SAP 4.7 is more structured even from a functional perspective as this
version has been developed after functional and infrastructure developments
of earlier SAP R/3 4.6C.
In SAP 4.7 the functional and infrastructure developments are made on
separate levels. The functional developments are made in the Enterprise
Extensions and infrastructure developments are made in the Enterprise Core
unlike SAP 4.6C in which both the developments take place within the
SAP in its Web AS has additional enhancements in the form of package
concept, global parameterization with business configuration sets, Unicode
compliance and accessibility that are not present in 4.6C.
- SAP 4.7 Core supports the above-mentioned enhancements that SAP 4.6C
does not.
- SAP 4.7 unlike 4.6C has Enterprise Extensions that can be separately
deployed and have their own releases.